Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Thursday, July 5, 2018

There's a man with a scissor over there- Part 2

Has there ever been a time in history when voices  of reason are not shut down in deference to voices of unreason?  Probably not.  Has there ever been a time when mob mentality didn't incorrectly influence decisions of leadership?  Probably not. 

In Jesus' time, the mob yelled "Crucify him." and the cowardly leadership released Barabbas.  They were afraid of the mob.  They sacrificed The Truth for a lie.  

Mob mentality or group think exists.  We see it in the news, daily. It is difficult to sort fact from fiction, especially when the crowd thinks yelling will get their point across, when a mob rules.  

One of the things I have found in the learning curve of child assault prevention work, starting with protecting children in the womb, is that mob mentality exists.  And when the opposition to child assault in the womb (those who are pro-life) act in the same way as those who support assault on the child in the womb (pro-abortion) the latter group (willing to sacrifice children in the womb), get nastier.  The pro-abortion groups march, stage sit-ins, yell, rant and rave.  The mob considers them heroic in our confused culture.  Let a pro-life group march, stage a sit in, yell, rant or rave and they are considered nuts. ( Please note- after  having grown up in the 1960's- with mob violence the rage, I am not a fan of marches, mob rule, sit ins,  or protests which block public access.  Nor do I allow those types of leadership influence my decisions.  We still have war and people of all races still discriminate against each other.  Even decades of the March for Life has not changed Roe v Wade. The fashionable Million Mom March, well,   the Columbine effect seems to have been more effective.)

The voices of those who have left the pro-abortion culture of death point to the presence of peaceful, prayerful witnesses as their reasons for leaving.   They look for voices of reason.

Peaceful and prayerful witness and offering tangible resources helps.  Even pro-choice should have no problem with the tangible resources offered to the clients.  Well, at least a voice of reason would think so.  

Voices of reason must prevail in all child assault prevention.  Just because a mob says there is a problem, does not necessarily mean that people will listen, nor should they.  Mobs have their own agendas..  In child assault prevention, across the continuum, when the mob mentality rules, no one is saved and justice does not prevail.  It doesn't help to yell "Crucify him."

In a nation that is outraged at the simplest things these days, the "culturally sensitive informed" showed no outrage when Kermit Gosnell sold drugs in his neighborhood and killed babies with scissors.  Kermit Gosnell

Marian R. Carlino
July 5, 2018