Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Deliver Us From Evil

I attended a day of workshops recently regarding storm preparation.. A representative from the American Red Cross stated that one of the myths in relating to a storm is that "it can not happen here". Well, we have learned at least three times since August 2011 that storms do indeed happen here. New Jersey is not immune. People don't need to live in fear, just in reality. When authorities indicate that a storm with the potential to wreak havoc is on the way, we should prepare. We can minimize damage, but a storm has power all its own over which we have no control. We have learned that if we listen to the directions regarding preparation, lives are saved. Mother Nature can cause serious structural damage, and yet, many times there are no lives lost. A man was carried aloft in his truck during a tornado on Thursday, December 13, 2012 yet he was uninjured. Relatively few deaths occurred as a result of Hurricane Sandy and most of those occurred because people "rode out the storm" or were injured after the storm and did not follow directions.
Man's wrath is not as forgiving. Man (or a woman) can stand outside or enter a structure with a weapon of choice, and create very little structural damage, but can kill, injure or maim many. We have more life destroying man made disasters than life destroying natural ones. Unlike super storms, derechos or earthquakes over which we have no control, (sorry Mr. Freeze), we do have control over man.
After life altering events, especially at schools which are supposed to be safe, the usual discussion begins with "we did not think it could happen here" or the type of surroundings are described as though that matters when someone sets out to kill. Crime has never just been unique to poor urban areas. Crime is hidden in upper middle class neighborhoods. So far, every massacre planned and executed by generally single, white, mentally ill men have been in areas described as middle to upper middle class.
The investigation is still ongoing with the massacre at the Connecticut elementary school. A single human being set out to kill and was quite successful. Suicide is the usual course of action after such an event. We can and must exercise control over man made disasters, because just like in natural occurrences, warnings are issued. Why does one plot to murder get discovered while others go unnoticed? A plot was discovered last week aimed at another school. That planned murder spree, using bombs at the front door of a school, was prevented. What was the difference between the two situations?
News medias in their rush to report the news have reported conflicting information about the event in Connecticut. In this case thus far, family members of the alleged shooter are cooperating with police. Now, let us hope that the school district does the same. In every tragedy at a school to date, information is suppressed and reporters eventually have to dig deep to get answers. Answers are needed for healing and to aid in the learning curve.
One thing we know for sure, nothing was prevented at the elementary school in Connecticut on December 14, 2012. Prevention means that something is stopped before it begins. True prevention begins with the understanding that tragedy can strike anywhere. Copy cat crimes are a reality and man plots against man at all times. Swat teams are a response to a live event, they are not preventing one. "Superman" flies in when someone is already in trouble.
Numbers seem to be important too. The greater the number of people killed, the greater the discussion. It is ironic that God, who sees the bigger picture for us all, weeps at the death of one at the hands of the violent. He sends messengers and gives pieces of the puzzle to real people. When we receive the piece that fits do we bury it? Do we abuse the messengers? Do we act as though we are immune and nothing of extremes could happen here?
The investigation into the massacre at the Connecticut elementary school will answer those questions as it relates to this massacre. If one reads the reports on the massacre in Aurora, Colorado where a mentally ill man killed many, one will read that at least one key piece to the puzzle was buried. The shooter was no longer a student at a University so his threats to kill others was buried. They had to send in the swat teams but the damage was already done. I have a simple suggestion, if one threatens to kill one, call the police. Police would rather help prevent a tragedy than do rescue and recovery.
Guns were used in Connecticut, but one day before, in a school in China, a man used a knife that injured many. Some killers use bombs, ropes, or chemicals. Life and death is all about choice. Life is a happier choice for all.
Prevention begins with prayer and prayer leads to action.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever. Amen

Marian R. Carlino
December 16, 2012