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Friday, March 8, 2013

Nuclear Threats

Dear God;
I heard on the news today that there is a threat against our of many. You are a God of mercy and justice. You give mercy as You warn us to repent of our ways. I heard those words on Ash Wednesday, "Turn away from sin and pay attention to The Gospel" The Gospel is of course code for Good News. But you are also a God of justice. How else could it be? We want justice for the wrongs done to us. But, we have been wandering in the desert for many years now. We have turned away from the Good News. We legally kill our unborn and call it choice. We turn away from all of your commandments and expect blessings.
Jonah was sent to warn the people of Ninevah. He didn't want to do it, but when he did, the leader of Ninevah and the people in the city (three days wide to walk) put on sack cloth and ashes. The city was spared.
You have given us a warning about a nuclear threat. We know what a nuclear bomb can do. We are the only country to have used one on a population in a city of civilians. We limited that country's right to bear arms after that. The bombs were used to end a terrible scourge of a war in which a madmen and his minions burned up people in ovens.
The people who died in the ovens and in the nuclear blasts were civilians and children. Their lives were sacrificed so others could live. We ask much of other people God. Please forgive us our sins.
We ask once again that you would soften the heart of those who would destroy us. We ask once again that you would soften our hearts. People think guns are causing all the problems in this country. The use of guns to resolve conflict is systemic. But, we know it is the scourge against the innocent children in the womb which, we as a nation sanction, that has your sense of justice outraged.
We ask pardon for our sins and beg you to spare this nation of fruitless fig trees once more. And give us another chance to choose life. We really know God that the only choice that shows mercy is to choose life. Those who have had to battle for their lives know how precious life is but they are blinded by the dark.
I know you love to see the pictures of children posted on FB. But you weep because of the ones who will never have their faces posted.
Maybe this current threat, which many scoff at, will teach us that You sent Jesus to fulfill the words of the prophets. You are a God of justice and mercy. 55 million babies...we silenced their earthly voices but You hear the sounds of their cries.
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand....He's waiting for your response.

With love and concern for a nation at risk.
March 8, 2013