Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Stay at home moms (rock)

Life will give us experiences.  If it does not, then we are dead...and if we believe in an eternal life, whether in hot water or walking on it, there will still be experiences.
I wrote this editorial in 2007 in response to an article about what stay at home moms risk.  By the way, the term "stay at home" is a lie...just check the mileage on your car if you are a "stay at home" mom.
I was not the only one who responded to the article..

The PressofAC chose this title for the three editorials (including mine):

May 22, 2007
It's true.  Stay at home moms risk financial security.  However, the risks our society is seeing with children unattended and raised by many different people at one time may be more of a risk.  I have no research on that- only observation and listening skills.  And besides, who says working eliminates the risk of financial problems?
The abandonment by men of their families is not about the work.  Many times, it is about abuse and falling into temptation with another person.  The fact that the mother isn't working is just an excuse.
"Stay at home" moms are not about nostalgia.  They don't have time for that.  They are about love.

(Part of the research I have done on school violence points us back to problems associated with two working parents, replacement parenting, and divorce.)

Marian R. Carlino  September 30, 2012