Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Three Days in the Belly of the Whale- Christ paid the ransom.

Three days in the belly of the whale:
   I had the pleasure of meeting three gentlemen this week.  Two are priests.  One man is an Indian priest ministering in Nigeria named Father Mathew.  The other priest, named Father Peter, is a Nigerian priest.  Both priests took their vows with the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary founded by Saint Gaetano Errico. They are visiting for a short time at the Villa Pieta, a Missionary of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary home in Linwood, New Jersey.  Our Lady of Sorrows in Linwood is also staffed by priests of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Local community members may know of Father Leonard Carrieri (world renowned artist) who ministered at Our Lady of Sorrows and the Villa Pieta until his death in June 2009.   Father Peter DiTomasso, the Catholic chaplain at Shore Medical Center, is also a priest of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The third gentleman is a friend of  Father Matthew’s, a lay person.  He is visiting from his home in India.  Jason Matthew is an engineer who helps the Missionaries bring solar technology to the people in Nigeria. He shared some stories from India about his work and also his upcoming nuptials.  He frequently visits America and is familiar with New York and San Francisco.
Upon meeting priests who work in Nigeria, one is driven to ask the question, is it safe where you minister?  Both priests reside in an area of Nigeria which thus far has not experienced the extreme acts of terrorism of which we hear.  However, there is tension and implied threats that may be a result of “copy cat “crimes
But, that does not mean that their missionary work has not been without  real time danger.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Some Effects of Lack of Faith and Trust in the True God

There are many watershed events that show us time and again what happens when there is a complete lack of faith and trust in God. Three events all connected to the worship of false sports' gods come to mind. The shootings at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech and the child abuse scandal at Penn State all involved fear of hurting the reputation of the schools' names and football programs. Their plans did not work. God will shine a light on that which is done in darkness. The light overcomes the dark...and reveals the sin.

The leadership in all these schools failed because they lacked faith and trust in God, regardless of their public confessions of such.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Prayer Before an Unknown Storm

June 29, 2012 9:22 (The night before the derecho of June 30, 2012 
"Yes, Allie".
."I told you one day that love means never have to say you are sorry."
'Yes Allie, I remember that well."
"Well, Ryan, I was really right..even though my fans thought it was a weak statement."
"You were?"
"Yes, Ryan."
"How can that be, Allie"
'God, who is true love sometimes disciplines us and we get mad. But when God disciplines us, He means it. And He does not say I am sorry."
"How do you know that Allie?"
"I read His Word...and He makes it very clear. He has been making that clear since He started creating a relationship with Adam and Eve."
"Really! But don't take my word for it. Read His Word."
"But, Allie, I like living in my own world if I read His Word, it might shake my world."
"I know Ryan, but I love you. I don't want to ever be so sorry that I did not share His Word with you because I love you."
"i love you too, Allie, even though I think you are crazy."
"Ryan, that 's what I love about you. You have unconditional love for me...just like God who loves us all so much he doesn't want us to be naive as to what separation from Him can mean in the long run."
"Go to sleep, Allie."
"Okay.. Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul to take....and Ryan's too"
Marian R. Carlino June 29, 2012 9:22 on Facebook  Saw the start of the storm then slept through most of the event.  Lost electricity for about one and a half hours but it was back on when I woke up...
Thanks be to God....I know his discipline.  What do you want of me Lord,,,Where do you want me to serve you..because I know you see the bigger picture...and have rescued me several times.
Marian R. Carlino July 14, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pro-Life Editorial

I have often heard the expression “unconditional love” when it comes to the love of a grandparent for a grandchild. With many grandparents, I have seen those words in action.
That’s why it is disturbing to think of the comments our current president made during his first presidential campaign.
He admitted he would not have unconditional love for a grandchild. In fact, the president would interpret the life of a potential grandchild as possibly a “mistake” and “punishment.”
Since he was often cared for by grandparents, one would think he would have a great respect for the position. One would think that as the president of the United States, he would have great respect for all the citizens of the nation, especially those citizens in the womb who are the very future.
One would think, wouldn’t one?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dorothy Gale...with a Twist TOTOTOTOTOTO

The cottage landed with a thud as the violent cloud encircling it, dropped it to the ground. It was as though the hands that grabbed the small house released its cold, wet grip.  The event seemed like hours of tumultuous travel, but the upheaval in reality lasted only a few minutes.  In those brief moments, the sole occupant of the house seemed to be transported across time and space.
Far from home, as she knew it, the young girl cautiously opened the door of the foundationless abode and contemplated the scene before her eyes.  The road was paved with bricks painted with yellow sunshine.  The sweet smelling gardens were in glorious bloom.  Rainbow colors were well represented.  Bluebirds were circling overhead.  At first she thought she had hit her head but then she realized the birds were real and seemed to beckon to her to step outside the damaged door frame.  If it hadn’t been for the broken door, she would have thought she had died and gone to heaven.  But, no promised pearly gates were visible.
The confused girl bravely stepped outside into the new surroundings.  The cottage was a total loss but she was all in one piece.  The bluebirds chirped a song that vaguely sounded familiar.  She didn’t remember all the words, but she was certain rainbows and longing for happiness were part of the lyrics.
At first frightened at the thought of being alone in a strangely beautiful place, she suddenly was greeted by a chorus of well wishers.  Although still a bit unsettled by the unexpected relocation, she knew full well she was not in Kansas anymore.  No one dressed in such clothing there. Black, white and gray were the only colors she could remember from there.  So, she acknowledged the colorfully clothed but small statured crowd with a half a smile.

It is the little things that count

It is the little things that count.  If the binoculars had been remembered on the Titanic the guy in  the deck could have sent up a flare and they could have gone around the iceberg.  It is the little things that matter to prevent a tragedy.
Author unknown…I just like the sentiment.
Marian 7/3/2012

Code for Mass

Hey, we are having supper on Sunday to help celebrate the anniversary of my brother’s death.  He asked us to remember him in a special way.  He lived a simple life so we want to keep the celebration simple.  Our menu includes bread and some wine.  No need to bring any money, our Father will provide what we need.
We will sing some of my brother’s favorite songs that his ancestors wrote.  Then we will listen to some of his stories.   It really is a shame he died so young.  He taught my family a lot during his brief time with us.  He was so good to me.  Thanks for helping us to keep his memory alive.

Marian R. Carlino...lesson in religious education....What if we had to use code to go to Mass?

The Rose for Pro-Life

Why should I wear a rose for life?

The rose is a universal symbol of perfect love.  Wear a rose to remember the visible sign of God’s love for mankind in the birth of a baby.

Marian R. Carlino

Years of Learning

In 1978, I started my teaching career in Galloway Township, New Jersey. I taught in the Galloway Township Public Schools until 1983 working in regular and special education. I did not want to be a teacher with regrets, so after five and a half years of teaching, I left the classroom. As a tenured teacher, some people thought I was nuts. That thought process for those who do not know me has not changed. However, there are too many teachers in our schools today with regrets. They become stale and can't wait to retire. I did not want to be one of those teachers.

I was married at the time but no prospects of children nor a home, so I had some financial freedom. I have learned that if we tie our freedom to our finances we get tied down instead of free.