Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Some Effects of Lack of Faith and Trust in the True God

There are many watershed events that show us time and again what happens when there is a complete lack of faith and trust in God. Three events all connected to the worship of false sports' gods come to mind. The shootings at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech and the child abuse scandal at Penn State all involved fear of hurting the reputation of the schools' names and football programs. Their plans did not work. God will shine a light on that which is done in darkness. The light overcomes the dark...and reveals the sin.

The leadership in all these schools failed because they lacked faith and trust in God, regardless of their public confessions of such.

Each school had personnel who failed to sound the alert that there were problems. Many others then have paid the ultimate price with real lives lost to death or to life altering emotional and physical damage.

We can not prevent everything, as we know individually and collectively, but there are times when we get a piece of a puzzle that fits into creating a better picture for someone's life. Those puzzle pieces in all three schools existed. The "Monday Morning Quarterbacking" reports, which in themselves are costly, point to all the missed clues and pieces.

The courage of one's convictions can not happen without trust and faith in God. I know personally the financial loss, loss of family, and the damage to one's reputation when one steps out in faith to speak up.

I would not have it any other way. And each day, I pray that if something comes my way, and God lays it on my heart and soul to do something, that I do it. I know I can not do it on my own. I need to have God to help me. Nothing is impossible with God. Everything is impossible without him.

There will be converts back to the faith after these events. There is always a need to take a knee. Football coaches and players know that better than any sport., but they take the knee to the sports' gods, not God. Read about the prophet Elijah to see how "powerful" the false gods are...compared to God.

A large sporting event is about to happen in England. Past participants are talking about the dark side of the events..the violations of protocol that go on. How long do they think the sports' gods will protect them? And there has already been watershed events in those world sports' events but years have gone by, people forget. History does repeat itself.

If history didn't repeat itself, then school shootings would have stopped in the 1997-98 school year and the priests and college officials wouldn't be indicted for child sexual abuse in 2012.

Jesus I Trust in You. I realize that when you wept it is because You saw the bigger picture but people ignored You, mocked You and crucified You. You knew better because You are God who loves us and sends those messengers of "danger Will Robinson", Debbie Downers, whistle blowers, gadflies, weather reports, and prophets.

Marian R. Carlino July 15, 2012