Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Sunday, October 7, 2018

If you only want to say something nice- at least read The Clery Act, the Bill of Rights and Jesus' indignation

Sexual assault is in the news.  The #MeToo a movement of alleged survivors made up of both women and men who were alleged victims of sexual harassment, sexual molestation, and rape  are upset because of the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  The media took on a story line and then flew with it even when the alleged victim, Mrs. Ford, stated she had a fear of flying.  The media against Kavanaugh or even the media supporting him did not use the word, "alleged" that I recall.  Kavanaugh, if you haven't heard by now because you live under a rock or have your head in the sand, was accused with no corroborating evidence of sexual assault (not rape) as a student in high school (and then some less then stellar accusations as a student at college).  The lawyerof the alleged victim is truly suspect in that accusation.

Sexual assault is a serious charge.  It can include rape.  The media against Kavanaugh implied that Kavanaugh was guilty of rape.   They made several wrong moves in their rush to judgement.  Even Mrs Ford did not accuse Kavanaugh of rape.

Accusations, false or true, need to be substantiated.  The accused has rights as well as the alleged victim.  Many in the media, favoring one political party over another, conveniently forgot that.  Get a copy of the Bill of Rights.

In the end, Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. But the damage is done.  He will always be known as "that guy."  He may fair better than his alleged victim.  She needed better lawyers or a better acting coach, depending how you felt about her testimony.  The leaders of the #MeToo movement have lost their own credibility by their actions.

I read both sides of the issues.  Due to some background knowledge of child assault prevention, false accusations,and due process, before the alleged victim even testified under oath,  Mrs. Ford's story seemed full of holes.  For starters, if something impacted her life in so many ways, why didn't she speak out sooner? Every school in the country, due to the child assault cases of the Catholic Church, Penn State, and the Clery Act (1990) would say -  REPORT!!  She had plenty of opportunity- especially before he went to law school or took the bar.  Do you know what lawyers have to disclose before they take the bar?  Ask any lawyer.

 Per the Catholic Church scandal, grand juries do believe alleged victims who step forward with corroborating  evidence- even years later.  Those stories have not been buried- well at least now in some dioceses.

Mrs. Ford works at a university.  By law, she is to be knowledgeable of the Clery Act.  Would she help an alleged victim or the accused?  The victim, whose name is associated with The Clery Act was raped and murdered in 1986.  Her parents became pro-active.  As an educator, Mrs. Ford had an obligation to educate herself on that law.

Kavanaugh, guilty of being a teenager and young college student, is still being challenged.  His demeanor was scrutinized when answering questions.  Jesus was indignant and angry too. They  hanged him.  The Democrats tried to hang Kavanaugh.

They threaten to do it still.

If you can't say something nice, or don't want to get off the fence in this serious issue, read The Constitution again or for the first time.  Read the Bill of Rights.  We at least need a passing knowledge of it.  Study what mandated reporters must do.  Read The Clery Act.

Also read the consequences of false accusations, and mandatory reporting laws.  Adults can not have third parties report.  An alleged victim must step up.  The consequences of not seeking justice against the alleged assaulter are actually worse for the alleged victim.  There is healing in seeking the truth.  But lies, will only make life worse.

Years ago at a high school where I used to live, a teen aged girl was raped.  She was a top notch student, beautiful and popular.  She went to the nurse after it happened but never told the nurse nor her mother.  I knew the teenager's mother quite well.  She told me years later what had happened.  The girl was raped by a building contractor at the high school where my children attended- about a year or two later.  The girl's grades dropped, she became a stay at home student.  She ended up getting a GED.  She didn't tell her mom for 6 months.  Behaviors change after a rape.  The victims need to report timely.  And if a child's behavior changes drastically, then ASK.  People get it wrong.  I know.  I remember the child in my second grade class.  Her brother reported the rape that her father was committing against her. Her first grade teacher and the school nurse misread the signs.
It will be 21 years ago tomorrow, Oct. 8,  that the principal came to my door and so ineptly said,  "X" has to come with me."  I let my students stand.  She couldn't sit.  Rape hurts a vagina. 

I don't take kindly to sexual assault or false accusations.  This whole situation makes me angry but I am not going to blame every male or white female on the planet, I will try to educate.  That is what teachers do. 

If you only want to say something nice.. you are part of the problem.

Throwing someone under the bus--has consequences.   ASK.  TELL TIMELY.  DON'T FALSELY ACCUSE NOR PROJECT  THE PAST ONTO THIS GENERATION.  This generation is already suffering from the Fear of Flying- "zipless f****" circa 1973.. which coincidentally is the same year women got the right to kill a child in the womb.  And we think this Supreme Court is tainted now?

Marian R. Carlino

October 7, 2018