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Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Giving an IOTA!

Do you know what  an iota is?

An iota is the ninth letter in the Greek alphabet.  An iota can also be used to mean something very small.  From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary: "the word iota and  jota share a lot more than just a common meaning—both ultimately derive from the same word. When Latin scholars transcribed the Greek name of the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet, they spelled it as either iota or jota (the letters i and j were simply variants of each other), and these spellings eventually passed into English as iota and jot. Since the Greek letter iota is the smallest letter of its alphabet, both words eventually came to be used in reference to very small things."

Human life at conception and during the early weeks of pregnancy could be considered just an "iota"- an infinitesimal amount of human tissue.....but with its own DNA and life.

Abortion kills an iota of  DNA.  The iota of human tissue is very important to the abortion industry.  It is how they make their money.  They charge women for an abortion of the iota and then sell the little iota parts for scientific research.

Do you give an iota about this?  The majority of people do care about life but the advertising techniques of the abortion industry has taught for the last century that some iotas are not worth anything- "not even an iota".  The right to choose to kill the iota has become the largest lie in the world today.

Because those iotas make money for the leaders.  The salary of almost 1 million dollars a year for the headmistress of PP.   Local abortion directors earn up to almost $100,000.00 a year.
ASK yourself-  do you have a problem with the 1%?  (check the IRS data on the PP websites)

PP is currently using the acronym IOTAS to advertise on the public transportation system in Pittsburgh.  The advertisement, aimed at a teen audience, is titled:
IOTAS- It is ok to ask someone.  A phone number to text is given.

I give an iota that this is happening... that abortion is legal.. and that people in my own life have been impacted by this abortion minded work.
But I agree with PP on asking questions.


Ask questions about abortion.  Ask how it is impacting you.  Ask how it is impacting your family.
Ask the woman you know who has had an abortion to tell you how she really feels about killing the iota of life in her womb.  Ask a post abortive father.  Ask a woman whose child has died at the hands of an abortionist when she really wanted the child.  Ask a post abortive grandparent.

It is okay to ask someone.  Know the source of the answers.   What is their motivation in giving the answer?

Ask the Alpha and the Omega... the source of life.   He does answer when someone asks.

If your parents are alive and you were born after the 1973 decision of a few men, ask if your parents ever thought of aborting you.  Don't blame them if they said yes to thinking about it... obviously they chose life for you, as an iota in the womb.  Ask your parents if before they met- or after a divorce -or during an affair- if they ever aborted a sibling.   (These are all stated reasons for abortion in addition to the financial issues that are number one.... ask yourself-- How much is a life worth to you?)

Then ask yourself--- do any of these questions bother you?  Will any of the answers disturb your conscience if you are for abortion or for choice?

ASK-   ASK--- it saves kids!!

Abortion does not give an iota of a chance for life.  

You were once an iota of life!

Marian R. Carlino
May 6, 2017