Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Millstones are heavy.

Abortion is not a Constitutional Right. This Supreme Court of lawyers is smarter than the one  sitting on the  Bench in 1973. 

I wonder if this Supreme Court got visited by the ghost of Supreme Court lawyers past, present and future.  Or maybe, were they  visited by someone wearing dangling chains with a millstone.  Warning. Warning. Danger.

Change your hearts and vote. Hell is well...a heavy burden.

A nation that sanctfies abortion is dead. 

Hopefully, new life will be breathed into this flailing Republic. One can only pray.

Prayer leads to action. 

Support life.  Life is good for your and for eternity.

Marian R. Carlino

July 12, 2022

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Groundhog's Day

Have you ever watched the movie, Groundhog's Day, or any of the knockoff movies?

Go watch one of them. And find out the "secret" to releasing us from the nightmare of Covid lockdowns and all the other power and control methods used.  Hint: It is not a vaccine, obviously.

Do you know the definition of insanity?

What lesson do the main characters have to learn?

Groundhog's Day..  are we 40 years in the desert?

Do you want to continue to live in an insane asylum?  We have people,  who should really be inmates, running this country.  

Pay attention. I started referencing this movie in March 2020... what year is it now?

Are you wearing a mask, getting boosted every 6 months and showing a passport to eat at a restaurant?  

You need a re-awakening for sure.

Do these "making a mask cover" videos wake you up?

What do mask packaging state?

Maybe the VAERS statistics will help.

I take nothing for granted in life. None of us are immune from hardship or sickness..but do we have to impose it on ourselves?

Taking medical advise from quacks,  aka Fauci and company,  who lie to us?  Now they say what true doctors have been saying?

Some people are studying.

Oxygen people...oxygen is good for your lungs.

Breathe deeply and take the masks off your eyes,, and if you have ears, you ought to hear.

Marian R. Carlino

January 16, 2022

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Simon Says



  Click on link to see our future           


Who is tired of the game, "Simon Says" that Fauci and Biden are playing against us? Do you know the game is one of sleight of hand? No?  

Raise your hand, take off the masks and the blinders from your eyes. Oxygen is actually good for your brain, lungs and hearts. Start using the common sense God gave you.

Fauci is a task master. He has no intention of giving up his position. He is having too much fun and making money and harming others. Read the reports. Of course, "Simon" won't give permission. Biden can't play without someone moving his arms.

"Simon" said "Do this" and we did.  Don't we look ridiculous for still playing with these two old men. 

Fauci and Biden never say, "Simon says, take therapeutics." Why?  

And they get caught with their masks down...because they read the warning labels that they don't want you to read.

P.S. Informed consent.. do you know what that means?  Do your research. "Simon" likes it when you lose. Remember, the game is all about power and control..and a few money making patents.

God gave us oxygen to breathe.


This package warns of choking hazard and suffocation for children.

Child abuse... Do you want this done to your child?  Click link.  

Biohazards on the street..blowing in the wind.

Marian R. Carlino

January 4, 2022