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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Audit not recount...VAERS

 It is all about the money.

Audit is different than recount.  Audits find out how the numbers were played.

 some websites...list numbers...VAERS.

Over 700,000 adverse events reported to VAERS in less than a year, so far. More deaths than any other FDA approved vaccine combined..numbers. Do an audit. Only about 1% of people report in VAERS. 

It only takes 1% of votes to  throw off an election.

VAERS..ignorant doctors, lawyers, and yes some chieftans..think it is not for real that people are dying, maimed for life, etc.

Too bad because doctors are legally required to report the adverse reactions to this so called Covid 19. ...vaccine.  

Do you know the definition of vaccine? It has changed like the definition of  "is".

Check out Open VAERS..easier to find than what the CDC links do.

Follow the will lead you to the fraudsters.  So far AZ is doing it.

Fauci is a fraud.  Flip flops on everything and funded gain of function.  Do you know his history? 

Real people report on VAERS.

Doctors..legally obligated.  Victims..morally obligated. 

God does see this bigger picture.

Check out the ending of the movie, Ghost, to see how it ends for evil.

Even pedophilia Hollywood and clergy  get it...but they know the deals they made.

Evil happens when good people do nothing.

Ask Mary Tyler Moore about the swine flu vaccine you tube video with Chris Wallace..1976

Or ask the animals used for this vaccine..oh wait, they all died. 

Audit the vote and vaccine..the truth will set us free.

If you are on Rumble check out this link.


🚨The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly oppose federal vaccine mandates for Americans. 

Join @jSolomonReports

Marian R. Carlino

September 25, 2021