Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Thursday, November 27, 2014


In 2013, Planned Parenthood in one downtown location in Pennsylvania performed 2,366 abortions. It works out to be about 50 per week. The statistics are a matter of public record and tax dollars are used for the abortions as well. With the new health care system of mandatory coverage, abortions will increase not decrease. Below are the statistics for 2013 at the downtown Pittsburgh location.

January through March: 673 abortions

April through June: 715 abortions

July through Sept: 472 abortions

October through Dec. 505 abortions

Please read, Unplanned, the book by Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director. It is a telling story. She had two abortions herself and thought she was helping other woman. She was leading a conflicted life. The final change of her heart came when she had to assist in an ultrasound guided abortion.  She witnessed as the baby in the womb tried to move away from the deadly weapon.  She watched as its small body was crushed and sucked into a machine.
Click this link to the blog: Abby Johnson

Click this link for information regarding the history of the clinic in Pittsburgh:
To develop and organize on sound eugenic and medical principles an interest in and knowledge of birth control throughout the Pittsburgh district

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Keep us from just singing...lead us into action..we must go!

Brief update due to the Coronavirus....can't hug..can't kiss..can still speak though. Don't let the masks hide the face of Justice.
Now from the past:
The message of love comes in many forms.  Children are the reality of love.  Their innocent trust in the people around them is telling.  We see how fragile and vulnerable they are.  But then we look at the world and see that we are all fragile and vulnerable- at any age.

Love gives strength.  It is love that will change the world.  Listed below are links.  One is to a song, God of Justice- We Must Go! by Tim Hughes and a movie, "Love Notes".  "Love Notes" is a secular movie with a profoundly pro-life message!  We look to Christian writers often for pro-life messages, but the message is also out there in the world.

A best selling book entitled, Where We Belong also has a very strong pro-life message.

 We must go  -God of Justice
 Love Notes         
Where We Belong

Saturday, November 1, 2014


 Moving pictures tell the story.

 Noelle movie 2007                          Bella                                     Come What May

Take the time to watch them and let the message of life touch your heart.


Life is about children of all ages!
A father who regrets the abortion.
 Jesus told stories so people would understand the message.
 You can run but you cannot hide from the truth.

Out of tragedy can come great works!

Life changed for him after a child died.
Young people facing the challenge of Roe v.Wade.
We never forget the children who have come before us, have been part of us, or who have shaped us.
No matter what society says about the unborn, we cannot forget the aborted children. 

  Do the right thing, come what may.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lastest in a series- of kids killing kids.

It had been reported that the student who opened fire in his school's cafeteria yesterday in Washington State had sent tweets about his feelings over a break up with a girl and had broken a students's nose in a fight related to comments said during practice time on the football field. Not every act of violence will result in someone using a weapon to kill others. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that when the reports of school shootings happen, the "Monday morning quarterbacking" picks up the missed warning signs.  
In conjunction with the information about the shootings that drew national and international attention this week, news broke that the report on Adam Lanza, the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School, is going to be released soon. Preliminary newspaper results indicate behaviors were overlooked. According to a brief summary by Reuters reporter, Richard Weizel,

"Lanza was evaluated by therapists at the Yale Child Study Center in the years before he entered Newtown High School. Not only was he apparently not properly assessed, but no information from his Yale evaluations was shared with the Newtown school system, which he attended until his mother took him out of the 10th grade and home schooled him."
Image result for newtown elementary school pictures
Students being led out of Sandy Hook Elementary School

Are we not tired of school shootings and people saying, "I didn't think it could happen here.?" Are we all not vulnerable? Copy cat crimes are a reality.
All children in every school has the right to safe.. there are no special rights, just special needs. 

                                                     Speak just may save a life.

Note: nothing was prevented in the school yesterday (October 24, 2014)/ a teacher may have tried to intervene but it was after the horse was out of the barn.

A movie worth watching to see the impact of a shooting in a school (suicide) is "To Save a Life". This move also addresses abortion:
What is the point of all this if you are not going to let it change you?


Marysville, Washington 

What is the point of all this if it is not going to change us when it comes to the sanctity of life?

"But we, as a nation, we are left with some hard questions. Someone once described the joy and anxiety of parenthood as the equivalent of having your heart outside of your body all the time, walking around. With their very first cry, this most precious, vital part of ourselves — our child — is suddenly exposed to the world, to possible mishap or malice. And every parent knows there is nothing we will not do to shield our children from harm. And yet, we also know that with that child's very first step, and each step after that, they are separating from us; that we won't — that we can't always be there for them. They'll suffer sickness and setbacks and broken hearts and disappointments. And we learn that our most important job is to give them what they need to become self-reliant and capable and resilient, ready to face the world without fear."
President Obama says he values children yet is pro-abortion.

 What is the point of all this if it is not going to let this change us?

Marian Carlino
From the Teacher's Desk

Reuters, NPR and pictures from newspaper reports about Marysville, Washington and Newtown, Connecticut,

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"Columbo" Investigations of Crimes on School Campuses

The news media, international and domestic, were quick to pick up the feed.  20+ students were hurt when a classmate went on a "knifing rampage" in his school.  No one died but a few students were seriously injured.  Large scale incidents are both regular and rare depending on one's point of view.  Although incidents in which multiple people are hurt are the exception as any bell curve analysis would show, large scale incidents happen regularly. During the month of April one can almost predict at least one event because anniversary dates will spark copy cat crimes.  Both the Columbine High School and Virginia Tech rampages (with multiple deaths in each) occurred in April (1999 and 2007 respectively).

The "Columbo" style investigations which ensue are repetitive.  So are the memorial events and hand- wringing that accompany the event.  The investigations are "Columbo" style because the perpetrators are already known.  The dropped pieces of the puzzle are put together to determine motive/cause and what could have been done to prevent it. Of course, initially, no one admits that anything could possibly have been done to prevent the attacks.  The forensics are done so that lessons can be learned to prevent another school from experiencing such trauma.  How is that working for us?  Take a look at a mapped out view of the United States which shows locations and one will see that it is not going all that well.

Intermixed with the coverage of the event is coverage of prayer vigils, services, memorials, t-shirts, banners, stuffed animals and candles.  These are all part of the grieving process, but most are feel good reactions to the complete failure to communicate.  Since the services occur during the early stages of grieving, the long term effects may not last through the anger stage of the grief cycle. Interestingly, prayer vigils and services are not allowed at any school event until a tragedy occurs.
If prayer works after an event, it should also work before an event is to happen.  Heroes do emerge in these situations.  All well and good but the hero is only recognized in the rescue and recovery phase.  We are supposed to be learning prevention-stopping the violence before it begins.

When the news discloses to the general public that the perpetrator is a white, male teenager, in a white middle class community with tree lined streets and pretty houses, the hand wringing begins. The reactions are predictable.  How could this happen to an "Ozzie and Harriet" family or wealthy community (Sandy Hook/ Littleton/ suburbs)?  We didn't learn anything from Columbine or Sandy Hook then if we are still asking that question.  We also did not learn a thing because in a violent world, people still say "I can't believe it happened here."

We are 16 years out from the 1997-98 school year which had several large scale events involving students and deaths in schools. In 1998, President Clinton called on experts in the field and his own Attorney General, Janet Reno, to collaborate on a resource for ALL school personnel.  It is a great resource but it was not distributed to anyone I knew.  The Guide to Safe Schools identified communication and early intervention as primary means of stopping (aka preventing) the violence.
After the Virginia Tech massacre, the Clery Act should have become a household word.  Take a quick survey of college employees.  Many don't know what that Act is all about and that it was created in 1992 with several revisions especially since Virginia Tech's failure to communicate the danger to the students and staff (before and after the killing spree).

As a teacher, I learned in 1998 just how difficult it is to speak up about the violence because a white, middle class school district denied problems existed.  So I continue to speak up.  It has been a continuing battle.  Even in religious education programs, the thought of a troubled child causing serious harm was a hard pill to swallow but luckily, the medicine was taken.  At a college campus, a part time teacher didn't want to report to security that an adult student had shown a buoy knife in her class.  A call to the security guard helped with that threat.

What do we learn from this most recent international news story about a knife rampage at a high school?  Well, "Columbo" will determine that a motive does exist and that the perpetrator gave some sort of warning.  We will also learn from news sources that the information comes out unwilling.  School districts usually lawyer up as do the perpetrators (if alive).
We will also be reminded that knife rampages have killed many in other countries (China several times).  And a quick review of the date of April 9 will show that a community college campus in Texas was also the scene of a student on a rampage with a knife in  2013.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lincoln’s Life: A Small Glimpse into an early pro-life voice
In April 1865, the sixteenth President of the United States of America was shot at close range by a gunman’s bullet.  His wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, lived in dread of a day like that happening.  Lincoln himself wasn’t unaware that his days were probably numbered and marked by an enemy. In his role as a leader in the abolishment of slavery in the United States of America, he knew he was making enemies. 
There have been many books written about Abraham Lincoln regarding his personal, professional and public life.  His tall black top hat and his height and long lanky body are legendary.  Some say he may have suffered from a physical disorder which gave him his lanky looks. 
Lincoln’s physical appearance alone would have made him stand out in the small crowd of presidents.  But, we don’t generally set our standards for remembering heroes just on their looks.  Looks fade and become unimportant in time.

He is remembered for his speeches.  His short speech at the dedication of the Gettysburg burial ground is of great value to orators today.  The words are timeless and are applicable to the memory of every person who has ever gone into battle for a good cause.

Lincoln’s hatred of slavery was well known even before he ran for office.  The Civil War didn’t erupt over-night.  The embers were smoldering for years before the flames of war broke out into a raging, devastating fire.