Inalienable rights should be the law for all

Stopping School Violence One Teacher's Silent Scream

Sunday, May 26, 2013

BC and AD

    Before political correctness (PC) came into play, everyone would recognize the terms BC and AD.
The terms imply periods of time referring to life before and after the birth of the very important Son of God.  Whether one recognizes this man as a prophet, rabbi, or King, this man had a significant impact on society even to this day.
     I have a similar use for the term "b.c".  I sometimes casually use the term to mean my life "before children".  Before I had my own children, I did not really know how much goes into loving another person. Parental love (not necessarily biological) is something very special.  It is self sacrificing and most rewarding.  So is the love many teachers have for the children under their care.  Some teachers have literally given their lives to protect children.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pentecost and "The Courage of Our Convictions"

    Life happens....good things ....bad things...sometimes we have no choice or power over what is happening  to us.  I had  no decision making authority or power when three important people in my life died. Therefore, I had to accept my niece's death and my parents' deaths.  The Serenity Prayer was helpful at that time to "accept the things I could not change".  I had to adjust to my loss.  I did, but I will never forget them and they are remembered daily.
But, then there come times in our lives- "forks in the road"-  at which we do have the authority, we do have power over a situation.  And we must act.  The gift store at the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Linwood, NJ  has a Serenity Prayer card that has a different ending to the Serenity prayer. It states: "And, Lord, help me to do what is right, even if I think it is hopeless."   

Sunday, May 12, 2013

There is a man with a scissor over there...Minding my own business

I was minding my own business, enjoying a lovely evening at a local ocean side community. Three of us had gone to support a young man in his budding profession.
I met a woman who had a "God story" by which I was uplifted because of her faith.  Her story was one of struggle and survival after years of relatively easy living  She told me of the friendship of strangers (local Christian church) after Hurricane Sandy.   Her husband had died suddenly just a year or so before the wind and water storm.  His last words were "I see two lights."  Words of comfort from a dying man for a shocked and grieving wife.  She has testimony to share as well as tears of joy after sorrow.  
The room was small and the air warm, so my friends and I went to sit on a bench for some cool air.  A gentleman offered to share some space.  We sat and talked for a moment and then he got up.  He was going to his car for something.  As he walked away, I glanced in his direction for a moment and saw that he was engaged in conversation and walking with a tall, thin man.  The scene registered in my mind that he struck up another conversation with someone from the event or he joined again with someone he knew.  The picture of two men walking together seemed natural.  Nothing was out of context.......

Saturday, May 4, 2013

FERPA- Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act- some notes

 When I first started addressing the school violence issue 15 years ago, I sent away for free documentation regarding troubled students and sharing information about concerns.  I received many free copies of Sharing Information: A Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Participation in Juvenile Justice Programs a program report from the U.S. Department of Justice.   I gave the information to co-workers, board of education members, and distributed the books at school violence workshops.
FERPA, the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act is not new.  But many people who work in our educational system are not aware of it or misinterpret the purpose.  FERPA is meant to protect student records, but is not meant to protect or hide information related to violent behavior.